What's in my Hands


When our resources are waning, whatever they are, it’s so very easy to feel the wet blanket of burden weighing us down in every aspect of our lives.  We carry it with us, dragging it around, and it affects our countenance.  Whether physically, emotionally, or fiscally, when we are challenged, it can show on our faces and in our dispositions.

We worry how we will meet our obligations, make good on our commitments, and support those who depend upon our strength, our leadership, and our endeavors to provide.  

We seek the well that won’t run dry, as if one actually exists in this world.  It doesn’t.

The truth is, we are always wanting or needing something.  Whether it is material provision or just the answer to a prayer for others that they will find theirs. We lay before the Lord our petitions in faith that He will answer them. 

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1

Too often I can feel like the woman with the little bit of oil who, after using it up, feared that there would be no more for her and family.  The prophet Elijah assured her otherwise, and through her faith, her jar of oil did not go empty. 

I have to ask myself… what do I have that I hold on too tightly rather than using it in the faith that He will provide more?  More than monetarily, how about in the grace that I need to extend to someone who has hurt me?  Or in the patience that I need while waiting on God to work out a solution to a hardship?  

When I shift from focusing on what I don’t have enough of, I can see what is already in my hands.   I dole out what I have and ask that God will multiply it, spreading it along the ground like seed in good soil.  I pray for His blessings upon it that somehow, someway it will be enough.

And though I can never explain how, it just always is.  

He is always making a way.  He is forever causing my jar of oil to replenish in the ways I need Him to, no matter how deficient my situation may feel at the time.

I believe that this is how we stay connected to the source of His provision.  When we look to God expectantly, knowing that He will multiply our efforts, our little bit of oil mixed with faith, He turns on a spigot that enables us to make our daily bread.   

Having our storehouse overfilled with abundance would be a wonderful thing.  And someday, perhaps we will know this.  But dependence on God and knowing that He will provide for us, heal us, sooth us when hurts come to knock us down, is the essence to persevering in righteousness.  

Know where your help comes from.  God has an unlimited supply of everything you need.

May your hands and heart be always open to receive what He has in store.

No matter what you are facing, trust God, stand in faith, and your oil will not run dry.

In Search of a King


I’ll admit it.  There are days when I feel I am merely coasting, trying to get by; downright uninspired by the things that I must do to keep my responsibilities and life humming along.  I think times like these happen to all of us on occasion. 

What is dangerous for me, is how easily I can get off track.  My mind and thoughts wander.  I get distracted in thinking that a little excitement would do me some good — I compare my circumstances against others and wonder at my predicaments, frustrated.

I fail to see that everyone has some sort of silent battle going on in their heads. Everyone. 

After arriving in the Promised Land, the people of Israel had a similar situation.  They were bored.  They looked around at all the other nations and envied them.  Instead of God, they wanted a man to lead them.  Going  to Samuel, they pleaded their case.  “Appoint a king to lead us, such as all the nations have.” 

Samuel warned the people that such a move would enslave them, not empower them.  But they persisted and Saul was made king.

When things are not happening fast enough, when in “God’s time” feels like an eternity, I search my thoughts and ways that I can perhaps hurry Him up a bit.  I contemplate how I can instigate a situation, influencing a response that will make my new season come faster.  Rather than letting God lead me, I look for a man who I think may want the job.  

What reigns, is only disappointment.

When we discount what God has given us, ready to trade it all for what’s behind another curtain, another door, we sin.   We bargain and negotiate with God, unsettled by our circumstances.   We focus on how our situations are imperfect, rather than seeing how He is working in them.

Certainly, God wants good things for us.  He wants to bless us, bless our relationships, to lift us up and grow us so that we may in turn give Him praise.  He wants for our lives to be a testimony to His Kingship, not the world’s.  

God knew that the Israelites were rejecting Him.  He knew that their  seeking a worldly king would take their eyes off what He wanted for them.  They were willing to make the trade.

When I wallow in my own lament, I find myself wishing for something that will fill what may be a temporary void in my life.  I might even question if God is fully aware of my difficulties, and think I need to do something to hasten Him responding to my plight.  

But this never works.  

God knows what is best for us.  When we turn from Him, we think that we are gaining the excitement of something new.  Instead, we become trapped by the very thing we think will bring us pleasure or happiness.  It is short-sighted and always leads to sin.  It always ends up harming us more than we can imagine. 

People who leave the path of righteousness, who intentionally hurt others through their selfish ways and decisions, who seek the world’s approval over God’s, find themselves becoming slaves to a master that will never be satisfied.  Though they yearn for something more, they exchange their souls for less. 

It’s okay that we feel from time to time as though life is not perfect.  It’s not.  

As with all things, bring it before Him, pouring out your expectations and desires.  Ask Him to open your eyes and reawaken the parts within that have fallen in unbelief.  He is leading you to better days. He wants for us exceedingly and abundantly more that we can hope for or imagine. 

God desires that we seek Him first in all things.  He is always listening.

He is our King.  

The List


I am a list maker.  I have all kinds.  From things I need to buy at the grocery store, to projects I want to do in my house, to who I want to be someday.  This may explain why one of my all-time favorite holidays is New Year’s Day — A list maker’s nirvana.

To be honest, making lists and accomplishing everything on them are two different things.  In fact, looking back over years of my annual goals/resolutions, one would discover a distinct pattern: they are just a continuation of the years before.   I am a perpetual work in progress.

Exercise 3 - 5 days per week

Pay off credit cards

Cut frivolous spending

Spend more one-on-one time with my kids

I am here to say to all of you fellow list makers, that this is okay.  What I am coming to realize is that we are always evolving, always planning, always adjusting our life strategies.  The problem - if we are to call it that - is that life is a series of moving targets.  It’s fluid.  It is always changing.

There are phases that I try new things, cutting down on sugars and carbs, working out more or less, spending less and saving more.  Relationships are being challenged or enriched.  Kids move in or out, friends come and go, and jobs and responsibilities ebb and flow.  Constantly.  

We have to stay nimble.  We have keep going, keeping it between the lines and at least aiming in the right direction when it comes to achieving the targets we want to hit.

Submitting all our plans to the Lord, believing for His guidance and favor, are crucial in navigating our way through life. In big and little things, when He is in them, we succeed. 

I use lists to reorient my thinking but also as a form of prayer.  They are reminders of what I want to do and become, as well of things I need to move away from and change. These lists act as guard rails; they keep me stepping forward when my progress is unsteady.  

Lists - and prayers - never end.  There will always be something we need to be reminded of, striving toward or healing from.  We may be a few pounds outside our perfect weight.  We may have a charge card that creeps up from time to time beyond a limit we are comfortable with.  We may yearn for deeper relationships or to be freed from a hurt that still plagues us.  God is in every detail.  He gives us discipline, encouragement and strength.

Although our circumstances and relationships change, one thing is constant.  God loves us.  He forgives us when we fall short or when we sin.  He places before us new opportunities to do better with each new day.

I may never get to cross off all the things on my lists.  But I do know one thing that is for sure - with God all things are possible.

And somehow, that is enough.

It’s the little things…

It’s so easy to become overwhelmed.  I dislike the tendency I have to  seize-up, to procrastinate, to appraise all that I must do as if it were the building of Rome and it must be done all in one day.

Having a vision is one thing; making it become a reality is another. 

The devil, they say, is in the details, and he has a way of getting us distracted and discouraged so that we do not attend to them.


Daily obedience to little things creates big results.  We think we can let things go, do them tomorrow, start that project next week… And what we get is more of the same: a growing list of what we have not accomplished. 

The enemy loves it when we feel shame and frustration.  When we feel stuck and unfulfilled, the blaming and “if only’s” come in rapid-fire to counter and assuage our ineffectiveness.  

None of this is of God.

God wants for us to have a fulfilling life.  He wants us to be blessed financially, relationally, and in the realization of dreams that He has placed within us to achieve.  When are partnered with Him, putting one foot in front of the other and doing what is in our hands to do, He does the rest. He does what only He can do. 

When we do our part, we activate the partnership He has with us to see us through the process and achieve results. 

God tells us not to despise the day of small beginnings. Daily obedience is the key to building momentum, confidence and strength in all areas.  By being faithful in the little things, He is readying for the greater that is coming.

Attending to fundamental habits, no matter how mundane they seem, groom our intentions and instincts so that we can build on them.  It’s practicing scales on a piano so that we can one day play a symphony.  It’s walking around the block so we can one day run a 5K.  It’s writing a paragraph in our journal so we can then make it a page, then a chapter, then a book.  

What one thing if you did it each day in your work would build and bring you to a new level of success?  How about your health?  Your housekeeping?  Your savings?  Your attitude?  Your faith?

Such a principal can be applied to everything we do.  Simple daily applications of focus build momentum, synergy, strength, a foundation of habits that collectively create results.

Overwhelm is disempowering.  It impedes our progress, distracting us from the potential of each day to make a tiny impact toward big accomplishments.

God wants for us to achieve the things He has placed in our hearts to do.  He walks along side us, encouraging us to walk in faith, not by sight. Just one step, and then another. 

If He’s given us the vision, He’s given us what we need to accomplish it. It’s up to us.  

Are you waiting on Him?  Or is He waiting on you? 

Take a step today.  Envision a plan, an idea, a purpose that if you accomplished just one tiny daily effort towards it would build so that in time you would achieve your goal.

Do not despise your small beginning.  Honor it.  Do it.  Know that He is in the little things with you.

Great things await!